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Stewardship Policy


Adopted December 9, 2003
Revised November 2012, approved by Council 11/13/12

  1. Congregation Council will strive to present a Ministry Plan for consideration at each annual Congregation Meeting which includes a provision to tithe regular giving for regular Benevolence.

    This means that 10% of regular giving received will be considered this congregation’s regular benevolence.  This benevolence will be divided appropriately and remitted to ministries outside of this congregation.  These ministries will include but not be limited to the North American Lutheran Church, the Atlantic Mission District and other organizations approved by Congregation Council.  The manner of remittance of this benevolence will be decided by the Finance Committee and regularly be remitted by the Treasurer.

    Rationale: This approach establishes a disciplined practice for the congregation to offer a just proportion of its wealth to the work of the wider church and insures that proportion will stand whether the congregation’s regular giving rises or falls.

    This practice also serves as a model to encourage congregation learning about the value of the tithe as a measure of faithful stewardship.

  2. This congregation will not accept contributions from gambling winnings.

    Rationale: Gambling is expanding in this culture, and with it, the social costs of gambling including crime, addiction, and erosion of values such as a sound work ethic.   As this policy is approved, Americans spend three times as much on gambling as on all other kinds of entertainment combined.

    Studies of gambling demonstrate that it costs society at least $3 for every $1 raised in gambling taxes, to pay for social costs directly linked to gambling. Gambling is the fastest growing addiction among teens in America. Addicted gamblers are more likely to divorce, engage in spousal and child abuse, and commit crimes such as theft and criminal embezzlement. In addition, one out of every five compulsive gamblers attempts suicide.

    Biblically, the First, Fifth, Seventh and Tenth Commandments attack the concepts upon which gambling is based. The church must take every opportunity to name this evil and challenge its practice and expansion, and must not give implicit sanction to gambling by accepting contributions from such a tainted source.

  3. Commercial fund raising in and by the congregation, to benefit the operation of the congregation, is inappropriate.

    Rationale:  God’s people are called to fully bear the responsibilities of discipleship, including the expenses therein incurred.  The church is not a commercial enterprise and must not seek funding from commercial operations.

    Our Lord Jesus vehemently condemned the commercial activities practiced in the Temple in His day.  Moreover, as a body called to love the neighbor, the church must not undermine the livelihoods of persons who depend on commerce to support themselves.

  4. This congregation, recognizing the spiritual and material blessings which God has so graciously bestowed on us, seeks to discern God’s Will in sharing our resources with the whole Body of Christ as the Spirit gives us opportunity.  Jesus Christ, not the membership, is the owner of all holdings related to Messiah Lutheran Church.

    Rationale: Since all believers are “one body in Christ,” we regard our gifts and resources to be a trust from God to build up the Body.  God will guide us to do this faithfully, and He calls us to be open to that guidance.

  5. This congregation does not rent church buildings or property to, or for the use of, for-profit activities or businesses.

    Rationale: The church exists in part to serve its community. Other venues are available in which profit-making business enterprises can operate.

    Furthermore, this congregation and its ministries benefit from its tax-exempt status. Our tax-exempt classification must not be jeopardized by a business connection with a for-profit enterprise.

  6. This congregation and its governing body shall be vigilant and consistent in recognizing and resolving issues of real or potential conflict of interest related to members serving in positions of leadership or other responsibility. Such issues will be examined and a decision agreed upon by Congregation Council and the pastor before any actions are taken which may entail a conflict of interest.

    Rationale: Conflict of interest issues harbor the potential to cause misunderstandings, awkward situations and serious conflict in congregations. They may also involve violations of the law. These problems can arise even when their original cause was inadvertent, and sometimes present themselves long after the event which raised the question of conflict of interest.

    In addition, it is widely recognized in organizations with a governing board structure (under which this congregation falls by virtue of its use of an elected Congregation Council) that such organizations open themselves to both moral and legal questions when issues of conflict of interest involve a member of the governing board.

    It is a standard practice within the board model that board members are informed of the responsibility to be sensitive to this issue in their own determinations of what is an appropriate proposal to bring to the organization. It is also incumbent upon all board members to raise the issue when the potential for conflict of interest is recognized.

    It must be kept in mind that often, conflict of interest issues arise inadvertently as leaders use zeal and initiative in fulfilling their role. The identification and resolution of such issues should always be considered an organizational, not a personal, matter.

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Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856